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<title>SETIT 18</title>
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/* /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ CLIENT-SPECIFIC STYLES /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ */
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/* /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ TEMPLATE STYLES /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ */
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* @tab Page
* @section background style
* @tip Set the background color and top border for your email. You may want to choose colors that match your company's branding.
* @theme page
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* @tab Page
* @section background style
* @tip Set the background color and top border for your email. You may want to choose colors that match your company's branding.
* @theme page
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* @tab Page
* @section email border
* @tip Set the border for your email.
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* @tab Page
* @section heading 1
* @tip Set the styling for all first-level headings in your emails. These should be the largest of your headings.
* @style heading 1
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* @tab Page
* @section heading 2
* @tip Set the styling for all second-level headings in your emails.
* @style heading 2
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* @tab Page
* @section heading 3
* @tip Set the styling for all third-level headings in your emails.
* @style heading 3
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* @tab Page
* @section heading 4
* @tip Set the styling for all fourth-level headings in your emails. These should be the smallest of your headings.
* @style heading 4
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/* ========== Header Styles ========== */
* @tab Header
* @section preheader style
* @tip Set the background color and bottom border for your email's preheader area.
* @theme header
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/*@editable*/ border-bottom:1px solid #CCCCCC;
* @tab Header
* @section preheader text
* @tip Set the styling for your email's preheader text. Choose a size and color that is easy to read.
/*@editable*/ color:#808080;
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* @tab Header
* @section preheader link
* @tip Set the styling for your email's preheader links. Choose a color that helps them stand out from your text.
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/*@editable*/ color:#606060;
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* @tab Header
* @section header style
* @tip Set the background color and borders for your email's header area.
* @theme header
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/*@editable*/ border-top:1px solid #FFFFFF;
/*@editable*/ border-bottom:1px solid #CCCCCC;
* @tab Header
* @section header text
* @tip Set the styling for your email's header text. Choose a size and color that is easy to read.
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* @tab Header
* @section header link
* @tip Set the styling for your email's header links. Choose a color that helps them stand out from your text.
.headerContent a:link, .headerContent a:visited, /* Yahoo! Mail Override */ .headerContent a .yshortcuts /* Yahoo! Mail Override */{
/*@editable*/ color:#EB4102;
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/* ========== Body Styles ========== */
* @tab Body
* @section body style
* @tip Set the background color and borders for your email's body area.
/*@editable*/ background-color:#F4F4F4;
/*@editable*/ border-top:1px solid #FFFFFF;
/*@editable*/ border-bottom:1px solid #CCCCCC;
* @tab Body
* @section body text
* @tip Set the styling for your email's main content text. Choose a size and color that is easy to read.
* @theme main
/*@editable*/ color:#505050;
/*@editable*/ font-family:Helvetica;
/*@editable*/ font-size:14px;
/*@editable*/ line-height:150%;
/*@editable*/ text-align:left;
* @tab Body
* @section body link
* @tip Set the styling for your email's main content links. Choose a color that helps them stand out from your text.
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/*@editable*/ color:#EB4102;
/*@editable*/ font-weight:normal;
/*@editable*/ text-decoration:underline;
.bodyContent img{
/* ========== Footer Styles ========== */
* @tab Footer
* @section footer style
* @tip Set the background color and borders for your email's footer area.
* @theme footer
/*@editable*/ background-color:#F4F4F4;
/*@editable*/ border-top:1px solid #FFFFFF;
* @tab Footer
* @section footer text
* @tip Set the styling for your email's footer text. Choose a size and color that is easy to read.
* @theme footer
/*@editable*/ color:#808080;
/*@editable*/ font-family:Helvetica;
/*@editable*/ font-size:10px;
/*@editable*/ line-height:150%;
/*@editable*/ text-align:left;
* @tab Footer
* @section footer link
* @tip Set the styling for your email's footer links. Choose a color that helps them stand out from your text.
.footerContent a:link, .footerContent a:visited, /* Yahoo! Mail Override */ .footerContent a .yshortcuts, .footerContent a span /* Yahoo! Mail Override */{
/*@editable*/ color:#606060;
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/*@editable*/ text-decoration:underline;
/* /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ MOBILE STYLES /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ */
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/* /\/\/\/\/\/\/ CLIENT-SPECIFIC MOBILE STYLES /\/\/\/\/\/\/ */
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/* /\/\/\/\/\/\/ MOBILE RESET STYLES /\/\/\/\/\/\/ */
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/* /\/\/\/\/\/\/ MOBILE TEMPLATE STYLES /\/\/\/\/\/\/ */
/* ======== Page Styles ======== */
* @tab Mobile Styles
* @section template width
* @tip Make the template fluid for portrait or landscape view adaptability. If a fluid layout doesn't work for you, set the width to 300px instead.
max-width:600px !important;
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* @tab Mobile Styles
* @section heading 1
* @tip Make the first-level headings larger in size for better readability on small screens.
/*@editable*/ font-size:24px !important;
/*@editable*/ line-height:100% !important;
* @tab Mobile Styles
* @section heading 2
* @tip Make the second-level headings larger in size for better readability on small screens.
/*@editable*/ font-size:20px !important;
/*@editable*/ line-height:100% !important;
* @tab Mobile Styles
* @section heading 3
* @tip Make the third-level headings larger in size for better readability on small screens.
/*@editable*/ font-size:18px !important;
/*@editable*/ line-height:100% !important;
* @tab Mobile Styles
* @section heading 4
* @tip Make the fourth-level headings larger in size for better readability on small screens.
/*@editable*/ font-size:16px !important;
/*@editable*/ line-height:100% !important;
/* ======== Header Styles ======== */
#templatePreheader{display:none !important;} /* Hide the template preheader to save space */
* @tab Mobile Styles
* @section header image
* @tip Make the main header image fluid for portrait or landscape view adaptability, and set the image's original width as the max-width. If a fluid setting doesn't work, set the image width to half its original size instead.
height:auto !important;
/*@editable*/ max-width:600px !important;
/*@editable*/ width:100% !important;
* @tab Mobile Styles
* @section header text
* @tip Make the header content text larger in size for better readability on small screens. We recommend a font size of at least 16px.
/*@editable*/ font-size:20px !important;
/*@editable*/ line-height:125% !important;
/* ======== Body Styles ======== */
* @tab Mobile Styles
* @section body text
* @tip Make the body content text larger in size for better readability on small screens. We recommend a font size of at least 16px.
/*@editable*/ font-size:18px !important;
/*@editable*/ line-height:125% !important;
/* ======== Footer Styles ======== */
* @tab Mobile Styles
* @section footer text
* @tip Make the body content text larger in size for better readability on small screens.
/*@editable*/ font-size:14px !important;
/*@editable*/ line-height:115% !important;
.footerContent a{display:block !important;} /* Place footer social and utility links on their own lines, for easier access */
<body leftmargin="0" marginwidth="0" topmargin="0" marginheight="0" offset="0"><div class="inbox-preview" style="display: none; font-size: 0; max-height: 0; line-height: 0; padding: 0; mso-hide: all;">You are cordially invited to attend SETIT'18</div><!-- inbox-preview --><style type="text/css" id=bmeresponsecss>
@media only screen and (max-width: 480px){
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<br />
<a href="http://setit.benchurl.com/c/l?u=84EF9E2&e=D9B618&c=9A1A2&t=0&l=&email=x1xNfiruv2npagS9UDglLmVCkNH0Y05lNyIeD9VsXLU%3D&seq=1" target=_blank target="_blank"></a>.
<!-- *|END:IF|* -->
<!-- // END PREHEADER -->
<td align="center" valign="top">
<!-- BEGIN HEADER // -->
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" id="templateHeader">
This email is sent out to all those on the SETIT
2018 database. If you want to be removed from this database, please click:
<a href="http://setit.benchurl.com/c/l?u=84F1042&e=D9B618&c=9A1A2&t=0&l=&email=x1xNfiruv2npagS9UDglLmVCkNH0Y05lNyIeD9VsXLU%3D&seq=1" target=_blank target="_blank" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255); text-decoration: none;"><strong>Unsubscribe</strong></a>
<td valign="top" class="headerContent">
<a href="http://setit.benchurl.com/c/l?u=84EF9E8&e=D9B618&c=9A1A2&t=0&l=&email=x1xNfiruv2npagS9UDglLmVCkNH0Y05lNyIeD9VsXLU%3D&seq=1" target=_blank target="_blank">
src="https://scontent.ftun7-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/46517356_10157170721897345_2262324356166189056_n.jpg?_nc_cat=110&_nc_ht=scontent.ftun7-1.fna&oh=86f03e708e61efff7ce7f26eaab025d7&oe=5C7B1843" style="max-width:600px;" id="headerImage" mc:label="header_image" mc:edit="header_image" mc:allowdesigner mc:allowtext /></a>
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<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" id="templateBody">
<td valign="top" class="bodyContent" mc:edit="body_content">
<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 255);"> Apologies if you received multiple copies.
Thanks for forwarding the information on this Call for Submissions to those potentially interested to submit.</span>
<h2><center>Invitation to attend SETIT 2018 conference</center></h2>
<h3> Dear Colleague ,</h3>
On <span style="text-align: justify">behalf of SETIT, the Sciences of Image and Telecommunication Research Unit, would like
to invite you to join us for the 8<sup>th</sup> international conference named SETIT which will be held
<a href="http://setit.benchurl.com/c/l?u=84EF9E5&e=D9B618&c=9A1A2&t=0&l=&email=x1xNfiruv2npagS9UDglLmVCkNH0Y05lNyIeD9VsXLU%3D&seq=1" target=_blank target="_blank"> Golden Mehari hotel</a>, Hammamet-Tunisia from 18 to 20 December 2018.</span>
<strong><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255);">Why joining the conference right now?</span></strong>
This Conference is technically sponsored by <span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255);">Springer and IEEE tunisia section</span>.
In this seven Edition, more than 1500 papers have
been proposed among which 300 have been retained. The papers' authors are from more than 45 Nationalities.
<span style="text-align: justify"> This conference is an essential forum for sharing knowledge about the latest progress and advances in information and telecommunication technologies through papers,
and has an excellent track record for fostering synergism between research teams that are working in the fields related to the conference topics.</span>
<span style="text-align: justify">
The rich assortment of tutorials, presentation sessions, and receptions will allow you to gain in-depth knowledge of fundamental principles and the latest trends in the sciences of electronics, technologies of information and telecommunications.
<span style="text-align: justify">
With its many sessions, the Conference is an excellent opportunity to renew old friendships and network with new contacts. You and your accompanists will also enjoy the vibrant culture and many points of interest in our beautiful and hospitable country Tunisia, so make your plans now to join us for this exciting event.
<strong><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255);">Financial support:</span></strong>
<span style="text-align: justify">
A substantial financial support (Up to 100 Euros) is allocated for participants from developing countries and countries with poor currencies and not supported by their research structures.This Financial support is giving to help participants to attend SETIT'18
<span style="text-align: justify">
The organizing committee of the SETIT conference inform you once again that you are cordially invited to join this event and benefit from the offer as indicated below.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries regarding SETIT'2018.
<span style="text-align: justify">
Updated information about the conference can be found at:
<a href="http://setit.benchurl.com/c/l?u=84EF9E8&e=D9B618&c=9A1A2&t=0&l=&email=x1xNfiruv2npagS9UDglLmVCkNH0Y05lNyIeD9VsXLU%3D&seq=2" target=_blank target="_blank">http://www.setit.rnu.tn</a>
<span style="text-align: justify"> If you are interested, please log in to your session account:</span>
<a href="http://setit.benchurl.com/c/l?u=84F10D2&e=D9B618&c=9A1A2&t=0&l=&email=x1xNfiruv2npagS9UDglLmVCkNH0Y05lNyIeD9VsXLU%3D&seq=1" target=_blank target="_blank"> http://www.setit.rnu.tn/register.html </a></center>
<span style="text-align: justify">
<strong><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255);">PS:</span></strong>
Poster paper submission still open until November 30, 2018.</span>
<a href="http://setit.benchurl.com/c/l?u=84F014A&e=D9B618&c=9A1A2&t=0&l=&email=x1xNfiruv2npagS9UDglLmVCkNH0Y05lNyIeD9VsXLU%3D&seq=1" target=_blank target="_blank">http://www.setit.rnu.tn/special-poster-session.html</a></center>
We look forward to seeing you among us.
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<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" id="templateFooter">
<td valign="top" class="footerContent" mc:edit="footer_content00">
<td valign="top" class="footerContent" style="padding-top:0;" mc:edit="footer_content01">
Pr. Med Salim BOUHLEL
Head of the Research Unit: SETIT ( Sfax University )
General Chair of
<a href="http://setit.benchurl.com/c/l?u=84EF9E8&e=D9B618&c=9A1A2&t=0&l=&email=x1xNfiruv2npagS9UDglLmVCkNH0Y05lNyIeD9VsXLU%3D&seq=3" target=_blank target="_blank"> SETIT'18</a>
General Chair of
<a href="http://setit.benchurl.com/c/l?u=84F029C&e=D9B618&c=9A1A2&t=0&l=&email=x1xNfiruv2npagS9UDglLmVCkNH0Y05lNyIeD9VsXLU%3D&seq=1" target=_blank target="_blank"> AfriCHI'18</a>
Honorary Chair of
<a href="http://setit.benchurl.com/c/l?u=84F02A4&e=D9B618&c=9A1A2&t=0&l=&email=x1xNfiruv2npagS9UDglLmVCkNH0Y05lNyIeD9VsXLU%3D&seq=1" target=_blank target="_blank"> HMI'18</a>
GSM (+216) 20 20 00 05
<a href="http://setit.benchurl.com/c/l?u=84F02B6&e=D9B618&c=9A1A2&t=0&l=&email=x1xNfiruv2npagS9UDglLmVCkNH0Y05lNyIeD9VsXLU%3D&seq=1" target=_blank target="_blank">
src="https://scontent.ftun7-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/41954958_2462375740455545_8133797485932969984_n.jpg?_nc_cat=0&oh=8249684557e07e9261fcd6bbb18158ce&oe=5C24A480" height="24" width="24"></a>
<a href="http://setit.benchurl.com/c/l?u=84F02C4&e=D9B618&c=9A1A2&t=0&l=&email=x1xNfiruv2npagS9UDglLmVCkNH0Y05lNyIeD9VsXLU%3D&seq=1" target=_blank target="_blank">
src="https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/610753506228748289/GBfhn7j7_bigger.png" border="0" height="24" width="24"></a>
<td valign="top" style="padding-top:0; padding-bottom:40px;" mc:edit="footer_content02">
This email is sent out to all those on the SETIT
2018 database. If you want to be removed from this database, please click:
<a href="http://setit.benchurl.com/c/l?u=84F1042&e=D9B618&c=9A1A2&t=0&l=&email=x1xNfiruv2npagS9UDglLmVCkNH0Y05lNyIeD9VsXLU%3D&seq=2" target=_blank target="_blank" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255); text-decoration: none;"><strong>Unsubscribe</strong></a>
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