[Bitcoins] Fwd: General Assembly - Bitcoin Association Switzerland

alexis.roussel alexis.roussel at partipirate.ch
Mon Feb 17 07:22:03 CET 2014

Le programme de l"AG

Alexis Roussel / President Pirate Party Switzerland 

-------- Original message --------
From: Luzius Meisser <luzius.meisser at gmail.com> 
To: Luzius Meisser <luzius.meisser at gmail.com> 
Subject: General Assembly - Bitcoin Association Switzerland 
Dear all

As announced, our general assembly will take place on 2014-02-23 at Colab Zurich (Zentralstrasse 37, colab-zurich.ch). The doors open at 14:00 and the assembly formally starts at 14:15. You can find the agenda and comment on it here:

In particular, I'd like to point you to traktandum 7 (as we Swiss call agenda items) "Where to spend your Bitcoins?". Send me an image/screenshot of your favorite underappreciated Bitcoin service and we'll present it at the assembly. You may also use this opportunity to advertise own stuff for sale (e.g. your car).

Further highlights are an intro to Ethereum by the founders themselves and a quick presentation of Veeting, a Swiss secure video conference software accepting Bitcoin. Also, we have an ATM project getting more concrete and consider launching a Bureaucracy Relief Fund.

Then, most importantly, we finally have our membership application form online at:
Fill it in to formally become a member!

Hope to see you all soon
Luzius Meisser

PS: In the meantime, listen to the Ode to Satoshi: https://soundcloud.com/mindtomatter/ode-to-satoshi#t=0:45 

Luzius Meisser
Bitcoin Association Switzerland - President
luzius.meisser at gmail.com

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