[gull] vim et konsole

briner briner at infomaniak.ch
Fri May 23 10:54:57 CEST 2003


voila j'ai un ptit probleme entre vim et konsole:

///////////////// 2eme paragraphe du <<<:help paste>>> de vim
Setting this option is useful when using Vim in a terminal, where Vim
cannot distinguish between typed text and pasted text.  In the GUI, Vim
knows about pasting and will mostly do the right thing without 'paste'
being set.  The same is true for a terminal where Vim handles the
mouse clicks itself.

la question est: est-ce que konsole peut manipuler les clics de la
souris avec vim.

car les symptomes sont:
sous konsole dans vim, lorsque j'insere du texte avec la souris, vim ne
comprends pas que le texte vient de la souris et il refait de
l'indentation par dessus, tandis qu'avec xterm tout va pour le mieux:

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EXEMPLE
+copy de:
def intersection(list1, list2):
 int_dict = {}
 list1_dict = {}
 for e in list1: 
  list1_dict[e] = 1
 for e in list2:

+donne sur vim dans konsole:
def intersection(list1, list2):
 int_dict = {}
  list1_dict = {}
   for e in list1: 
       list1_dict[e] = 1
        for e in list2:

+donne sur vim dans xterm:
def intersection(list1, list2):
 int_dict = {}
 list1_dict = {}
 for e in list1: 
  list1_dict[e] = 1
 for e in list2:
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FIN EXEMPLE
je prefere le truc dans xterm...est-ce que quelqu'un saurait comment
faire pour que le binome konsole+vim fonctionne correctement

-------------- next part --------------
" Vim
" Make external commands work through a pipe instead of a pseudo-tty

set number
set ai
set sm

set nocp               " not compatible, use vim's extra advantages over vi
set nobackup           " does not backup the currently edited file on save
set autoindent         " turn on auto increment
set backspace=2        " allow backspacing over everything in insert mode
set expandtab          " spaces are used instead of tabs 
set icon               " display edit file in window title 
set ruler              " shows line, column position on status line
set shiftwidth=2       " shift width
set showcmd            " shows the command in the status line
set showmode           " show mode of editor (Insert, Replace, or Visual
set smartindent        " works of C and perl programs
set smarttab           " makes tab key work as I would expect
set tabstop=2          " number of spaces that a TAB covers
set ttyfast            " because I am directly connected to the computer
set ch=2               " Make command line two lines high
set laststatus=2       " place status bar at bottom of a single buffer screen
"set lines=48           " lines of editable text
"set guifont=8x13

"set paste

" Only do this for Vim version 5.0 and later.
if version >= 500
  syntax on            " Switch on syntax highlighting.
  set hlsearch         " Switch on search pattern highlighting.
  set mouse=a          " Enable the mouse (in xtem or GUI)
  set mousehide        " Hide the mouse pointer while typing
  " Set nice colors
  highlight Normal guibg=AntiqueWhite3
  highlight Cursor guibg=darkblue guifg=Green
  highlight NonText guibg=AntiqueWhite4
  highlight StatusLine guibg=white guifg=Black
  highlight Menu guibg=AntiqueWhite4 guifg=Black
  highlight Scrollbar guibg=AntiqueWhite4 guifg=AntiqueWhite3

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