[gull] Looking for web production assistant(s) in Geneva

Mark Jaroski mark at geekhive.net
Wed May 28 18:27:00 CEST 2003

Hi all,

I hope job info is decently on-topic, and sorry for the
post in english, but I can write in English much faster than
in French and am a little pressed for time tonight.  

Anyhow, I'm a programmer on the central webteam at WHO
(l'Organisation Mondial de la Santé), and was recently asked
by my boss to try to find out if anyone on the GULLs list
might be interested in working here as a web production

Basically the job will entail working with our content
management system posting the daily SARS updates, at least
at first.

The requirements are:

  knowlege of web best practices 

    (as in image size, color, allowed chars in URLs, etc.)

  knowlege of content management systems

  experience with large cms driven websites

  French and English

The CMS that we use is Bricolage (http://bricolage.sourceforge.net)
which is of course free software, and is based on
Mason/Perl, so experience with Perl would be a good thing.

If you are interested please reply off-list to me or to my
work email account, <jaroskim at who.int>.



PS.  Are the meetings at l'Ethno still happening?  Thanks.


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