[gull] Espaces dans les noms de fichiers

Erik Rossen rossen at linux-gull.ch
Tue Jan 25 09:38:03 CET 2005

On Tue, Jan 25, 2005 at 12:09:32AM +0100, Anne Possoz wrote:
> Le monde M$ nous amène souvent des noms de fichiers avec des espaces.
> Cela pose souvent des problèmes. Y a-t-il de bons arguments pour les
> déconseiller ou faut-il admettre que c'est normal et qu'il faudra
> retravailler tous les scripts et programmes pour que cela ne pose pas
> de problèmes?

Arguments against using spaces in filenames:

1. Filenames tend to become too long to display.

2. Filenames tend to become too long to quickly type.

3. Often a symptom of disorganised file structure.  i.e. If you find
yourself using spaces and filenames longer than about 20 characters,
think about reorganising your file hierarchy.

4. URLs with spaces have to be specially encoded.

5. (MOST IMPORTANT) It annoys the elder gods of Unix.

When *I* was a kid, filenames were no longer than 6 characters and you
could only use the upper case Latin alphabet and Arabic numbers.  And we
liked it that way!

Erik Rossen
rossen at linux-gull.ch                   Tel: (41 22) 362 45 08
http://www.linux-gull.ch               OpenPGP key: 2935D0B9

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