[gull] Ouverture de session automatique en console
Nicolas Borboën
nbo at donax.ch
Thu Dec 21 12:51:23 CET 2006
Marc SCHAEFER wrote:
> intéressant. Donc la plus récente version d'Ubuntu s'est complètement
> débarrassé de SYSV-init, inittab, etc ? Va falloir que je mette à jour
> mes cours -- ou rester en LTS.
Edgy (Ubuntu 6.10) n'utilise plus SysVinit mais Upstart.
"Upstart is an event-based replacement for the /sbin/init daemon
which handles starting of tasks and services during boot, stopping them
during shutdown and supervising them while the system is running."
+ http://upstart.ubuntu.com/
+ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReplacementInit
+ https://blueprints.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/replacement-init
Nicolas Borboën // nbo at donax.ch // http://blog.donax.ch
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