[gull] Tronquer des fichiers log

Marc Mongenet marc at mongenet.ch
Mon Jan 3 17:02:11 CET 2011

2011/1/3 Félix Hauri <felix at f-hauri.ch>:
> $ man truncate
>  truncate - shrink or extend the size of a file to the specified size
> Shrink *or* extend!!!

> Bref, ce n'est probablement pas ce que tu cherches...

Oui mais je vois assez d'options dans

size may also be prefixed by one of the following to adjust the size
of each file based on their current size:

          ‘+’  => extend by
          ‘-’  => reduce by
          ‘<’  => at most
          ‘>’  => at least
          ‘/’  => round down to multiple of
          ‘%’  => round up to multiple of


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