[gull] [CH-FSFE] Registrar to replace Switch?

Cyril Jaquier cyril.jaquier at jaqpot.net
Thu Feb 7 13:07:03 CET 2013

J'achète mes .ch directement chez OVH où j'ai un serveur dédié.


Sans doute pas les moins chers mais comme j'ai tout là-bas, la maintenance

et le renouvellement sont facilité.



On Thu, 07 Feb 2013 12:42:07 +0100, dc <dc at mjt.ch> wrote:

> Je relaie en message issu de la liste de la FSF Europe section Suisse. 

> Pour eviter toute tentative de mauvais usage de ce message, j'ai 

> volontairement caviarde le nom de l'auteur du message ! Il semble qu'il 

> existe une autre societe nettement plus ouverte et 'free-oriented, en 

> plus d'avoir des tarifs inferieurs a SWITCH. Il y en a peut-etre plus, 

> mais je n'ai que ce nom la pour l'instant :


> http://metanet.ch


> Il me semble donc important de porter ces faits a la connaissance des 

> membres du GULL ,car SWITCH ressemble de plus en plus a une tentacule 

> cherchant a restreindre nos libertes et a limiter l'utilisations des 

> logiciels libres.


> dc


> /***************** message initial ***************************/


> How quiet this list has been lately! To stir things up a bit, here is a

> question. I am looking for a good registrar for a new .ch domain. I can

> no longer consider the former monopolist Switch a good registrar 

> because:


> - one is forced to pay bills over a Credit Swiss bank account and I

> don't have to tell you the deficiencies of this bank,


> - they have entered into a partnership with Microsoft which will

> increase Microssoft's already considerable stranglehold over Swiss

> universities*,


> - they use proprietary, badly working formats for multimedia services.


> I then thought of going to http://www.vivanet.ch. I was just about to

> register my domain when I saw that they charge 80 CHF if you forget to

> pay your yearly bill for more than 30 days. This is quite a trap, as

> these things happen.


> Any suggestions for a "politically correct" AND costomer-friendly 

> registrar?





> *this was intended to be treated in parliament, but I don't think it 

> has

> happened yet.



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