[gull] Codon

Daniel Cordey dc at pxcluster.com
Mon Mar 20 11:32:25 CET 2023


Gros concurrent au niveau performance du code... Bonne nouvelle !


"Codon is a high-performance Python compiler that compiles Python code 
to native machine code without any runtime overhead. Typical speedups 
over Python are on the order of 100x or more, on a single thread. Codon 
supports native multithreading which can lead to speedups many times 
higher still.

The Codon framework is fully modular and extensible, allowing for the 
seamless integration of new modules, compiler optimizations, 
domain-specific languages and so on. We actively develop Codon 
extensions for a number of domains such as bioinformatics and 
quantitative finance."

En prime, il existe un décorateur (@par) qui permet de paralléliser le 
code en mode natif (sans les blocages de Python) :



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