[gull] Debian Woody : Bug dans GCC ?
Martial Guex
m.guex at mutech.ch
Sun Aug 24 18:35:02 CEST 2003
On Sunday 24 August 2003 17:54, Yann Souchon wrote:
> Une autre question qui n'a rien a voir, j'essaye de mettre en place un
> proxy apt pour limiter la trafic pour les mises à jours Debian. Je possède
> 10 machines, et ça commence à faire pas mal de trafic.
> J'ai installé le package apt-proxy, mais ça ne fonctionne pas lorsque
> j'essaye de faire une mise à jour en utilisant le proxy apt. Est-ce que
> quelqu'un aurait-il une bonne documentation (autre que la documentation
> standard) ou déjà mis ce système en place ?
J'utilise apt-proxy depuis quelques mois, j'ai de temps en temps un problème
au moment de la decompression qui se résoud en récidivant, autrement cela
J'ai join au mail la config.
Je signale que j'ai les cd de la woody et de la sid qui sont montés en loop
sur /home/ftp/debian/[woody|sid]/cdn de mon serveur.
Les lignes à placer dans le fichier /etc/apt/sources.liste sont en commentaire
dans le fichier de config d'apt-proxy.
Martial Guex
-------------- next part --------------
# Configuration for apt-proxy
# Change this path if you do not want to keep your cache under var
### Rsync Backends
# Three or more fields each:
# 1) URL prefix
# 2) Dir to put files in (remember the trailing /!)
# 3...) http/ftp/rsync backends to replace it with (remember the trailing /!)
# You can specify multiple backends like this example:
#add_backend /debian/ \
# $APT_PROXY_CACHE/debian/ \
# http://SERVERONE/debian/ \
# http://SERVERTWO/debian/ \
# HINT: Any request matching none of these is not served, making
# partial caching easy.
# You can also specify a different backend for control files
# by prefixing with a '+'. This is particularly useful for
# using rsync for Packages and http/ftp for .deb/.tar.gzs
# This is a shell script and the backslashes at the end of
# the line denote that the line continues on the next line,
# so do not try to comment out one line without moving it!
# The 'deb' lines are examples that you can place in clients'
# sources.list that correspond to the apt-proxy backends.
# Debian main
#deb http://apex:9999/debian stable main contrib non-free
#deb http://apex:9999/debian woody main contrib non-free
#deb http://apex:9999/debian sarge main contrib non-free
#deb http://apex:9999/debian sid main contrib non-free
#deb http://apex:9999/debian project/experimental/main/binary-$(ARCH)/
add_backend /debian/ \
$APT_PROXY_CACHE/debian/ \
ftp://apex/debian/sid/cd1/ \
ftp://apex/debian/sid/cd2/ \
ftp://apex/debian/sid/cd3/ \
ftp://apex/debian/sid/cd4/ \
ftp://apex/debian/sid/cd5/ \
ftp://apex/debian/sid/cd6/ \
ftp://apex/debian/sid/cd6/ \
ftp://apex/debian/sid/cd7/ \
ftp://apex/debian/sid/cd8/ \
ftp://apex/debian/sid/cd9/ \
ftp://apex/debian/sid/cd10/ \
ftp://apex/debian/sid/cd11/ \
ftp://apex/debian/woody/cd1/ \
ftp://apex/debian/woody/cd2/ \
ftp://apex/debian/woody/cd3/ \
ftp://apex/debian/woody/cd4/ \
ftp://apex/debian/woody/cd5/ \
ftp://apex/debian/woody/cd6/ \
ftp://apex/debian/woody/cd7/ \
# http://sunsite.cnlab-switch.ch/mirror/debian/
# Debian non-US
#deb http://apex:9999/debian-non-US stable/non-US main contrib non-free
#deb http://apex:9999/debian-non-US woody/non-US main contrib non-free
#deb http://apex:9999/debian-non-US sarge/non-US main contrib non-free
#deb http://apex:9999/debian-non-US sid/non-US main contrib non-free
add_backend /debian-non-US/ \
$APT_PROXY_CACHE/debian-non-US/ \
# http://sunsite.cnlab-switch.ch/mirror/debian/
# Debian security
#deb http://apex:9999/debian-security stable/update main contrib non-free
#deb http://apex:9999/debian-security woody/updates main contrib non-free
#deb http://apex:9999/debian-security sarge/updates main contrib non-free
add_backend /debian-security/ \
$APT_PROXY_CACHE/debian-security/ \
# Debian java
#deb http://apex:9999/debian-java potato main non-free
#deb http://apex:9999/debian-java woody main non-free
#deb http://apex:9999/debian-java sid main non-free
#deb http://apex:9999/debian-java stable main non-free
#deb http://apex:9999/debian-java testing main non-free
#deb http://apex:9999/debian-java unstable main non-free
add_backend /debian-java/ \
$APT_PROXY_CACHE/debian-java/ \
# Debian sid kde3.1.1 (kdenetwork,kdepim)
#deb http://apex:9999/debian-kdenet-sid ./
add_backend /debian-kdenet-sid/ \
$APT_PROXY_CACHE/debian-kdenet-sid/ \
# Debian kde3
#deb http://apex:9999/debian-kde3 woody main
#deb http://apex:9999/debian-kde3 stable main
add_backend /debian-kde3/ \
$APT_PROXY_CACHE/debian-kde3/ \
# Debian koffice 1
#deb http://apex:9999/debian-koffice1
add_backend /debian-koffice1/ \
$APT_PROXY_CACHE/debian-koffice1/ \
# Debian OpenOffice
#deb http://apex:9999/openoffice woody main contrib non-free
#deb http://apex:9999/openoffice woody-test main contrib non-free
#deb http://apex:9999/openoffice sarge main contrib non-free
#deb http://apex:9999/openoffice sid main contrib non-free
#deb http://apex:9999/openoffice stable main contrib non-free
#deb http://apex:9999/openoffice testing main contrib non-free
#deb http://apex:9999/openoffice unstable main contrib non-free
add_backend /debian-openoffice/ \
$APT_PROXY_CACHE/debian-openoffice/ \
http://ftp.openoffice.tuxfamily.org/debian/ \
# Debian Python Qt/KDE
#deb http://apex:9999/debian-python-qt woody main
#deb http://apex:9999/debian-python-qt sid main
add_backend /debian-python-qt/ \
$APT_PROXY_CACHE/debian-python-qt/ \
# Here are some more examples:
#Emdebian project
# add_backend /emdebian/ \
# $APT_PROXY_CACHE/emdebian/ \
# http://emdebian.sourceforge.net/emdebian/
#Blackdown jave
# add_backend /blackdown/ \
# $APT_PROXY_CACHE/blackdown/ \
# http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/languages/java/linux/debian/
#apt-proxy repository
# see: http://apt-proxy.sourceforge.net/apt-proxy/README
# add_backend /apt-proxy/ \
# $APT_PROXY_CACHE/apt-proxy/ \
# http://apt-proxy.sourceforge.net/apt-proxy/
# openoffice.org packages
#deb http://apex:9999/openoffice unstable main contrib
#add_backend /openoffice/ \
# $APT_PROXY_CACHE/openoffice/ \
# http://openoffice.vpn-junkies.de/openoffice/
# KDE3
# deb http://apex:9999/kde3 /
#add_backend /kde3/ i
# http://kde3.geniussystems.net/debian/
# people.debian.org
#deb http://shawnaptproxy:8000/debian-people/~njordan kde3.0/
#add_backend /debian-people/ \
# $APT_PROXY_CACHE/debian-people/ \
# http://people.debian.org/
# Chain several apt-proxies together by forwarding all requests to another
# apt-proxy.
#for I in debian non-US security openoffice ; do
# add_backend /$I/ \
# http://OTHERHOST:9999/$I/
############################## OTHER VARS ##################################
# Automatically delete old debs when we download a newer one
# after this many days of the older not being accessed.
# Comment out to avoid, set to 0 for `instantly' (not recommended;
# sometimes the new versions are broken
# Once every n days, look through tree to erase any debs which
# haven't been accessed in that long (eg. obsolete, rarely used, etc).
# Comment out to disable.
# Maximum number of versions of each package to keep in cache
# directory. Version purging is carried out immediately after a new
# version is downloaded.
# Comment out to disable.
# Maximum frequency of Packages/etc. updates from back end (minutes)
# Keep high to speed things up.
# Number of seconds for rsync to wait before timing out.
# Number of seconds for wget to wait to connect before timing out.
# Uncomment to change the path to wget, or add extra options. For
# example, if you are behind a firewall that does not allow active
# FTP, use WGET="wget --passive-ftp"
# Uncomment to change the path to rsync or add extra options.
# Uncomment to keep stats of successful backend transfers in the log.
# Uncomment this for debugging messages
# HTTP/FTP proxy: apt-proxy uses wget to retreive files. Wget uses
# the http_proxy and ftp_proxy environment variables, which can be set
# like this:
#export http_proxy=http://proxy:8080/
#export ftp_proxy=http://proxy:8080/
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