[gull] l'attitude constructive du capital

Anne Possoz anne.possoz at epfl.ch
Sat Jun 14 00:43:48 CEST 2003

Lu ce soir sur lwn.net.

	Microsoft to kill popular Linux antivirus product
ComputerWorld looks into Microsoft's latest acquisition; the RAV technology 
from Romania's GeCAD Software Srl. "GeCAD's RAV AntiVirus for Mail Servers 
supports a host of e-mail server products, including the free Sendmail, Qmail 
and Postfix, and is available for a variety of operating systems, including 
many flavors of Linux and BSD. Pricing per e-mail domain instead of per 
mailbox is another major draw, experts and users said." Microsoft plans to 
discontinue the RAV product line. (Thanks to Jay R. Ashworth)

Pour ma part, cela me convainc encore une fois que seuls les logiciels libres
sont une garantie de pérennité.


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