[gull] Lancement de la campagne pdfreaders par les Fellows de la FSFE

Sebastien Chassot seba.linux at sinux.net
Tue Dec 16 09:28:06 CET 2008


vous n'êtes pas sans savoir que le format pdf est très populaire sur
Internet. Les Fellows de la FSFE lance une campagne de sensibilisation
sur les applications libre permettant de lire, de manipuler et de
générer des fichiers au format pdf. Un site a été ouvert dans ce but
[1]. On y trouve entre autre un bouton [2] que les webmasters peuvent
intégrer à leur site et qui renvoie à une liste de readers "libre".

"...during our regular meetings in the Berlin Fellowship group we
discussed how PDF is a very useful format, but its usage often goes
hand in hand with promotion of proprietary software, even though
there are Free Software PDF readers. So we decided to do something
about it.

Over the past months we discussed with other Fellows across Europe
on discussions at lists.fsfe.org, what we should be doing. Together we
have set up an initiative for promoting Free Software PDF readers at

The idea is that web masters should have an alternative for the "Get
Adobe Reader"-Buttons, linking to pdfreaders.org to inform people
about Free Software PDF readers and where to find them. There are
several buttons for pdfreaders.org that can be used for this purpose
online at http://pdfreaders.org/graphics.html.

When people then visit pdfreaders.org, they will get some very brief
information about Open Standards and Free Software, and why they
matter - along with information about the Free Software PDF readers
and links for more information.

We hope that you will help us to put these buttons on all sites that
use PDF.

Greetings from Berlin,
HennR and Hannes"

A faire suivre...

[1]  http://pdfreaders.org/index.html
     http://pdfreaders.org/index.fr.html  (non encore traduit en
français )
[2]  http://pdfreaders.org/graphics.html 

PS: J'ai posté sous announce mais comme ça tarde à être "modéré", je
poste sur la liste technique.


[][][]     Sebastien Chassot - Geneva (Switzerland)

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