[gull-org] anglophones needed for Debian bug-squashing party

Erik Rossen rossen at linux-gull.ch
Sun Oct 12 14:19:02 CEST 2003

This is a call to any anglophones who may be reading this list.

        *** The GULL Debian bug-squashing party needs YOU. ***

There is probably going to be a great need for translating French (or
broken English) patch reports and other emails into English and I don't
feel like handling the job all alone.

If you ever wanted to participate in a GULL meeting and felt just a bit
intimidated by the question of language, now is your chance to come and
be a HERO.  Send a little email (in English, if you want) to
gull-org at lists.alphanet.ch saying who you are and how you want to

Erik Rossen
rossen at linux-gull.ch                   Tel: (41 22) 362 45 08
http://www.linux-gull.ch               OpenPGP key: 2935D0B9

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