[gull] Logiciels Open Source et l'entreprise
Anne Possoz
anne.possoz at epfl.ch
Thu Sep 22 18:29:56 CEST 2005
Le 7 septembre, Daniel Cordey a écrit:
> Ouf... Pas facile... je n'ai recherche que les articles concernant la reponse
> de RedHat et quelques articles au sujet de la polemique crees par Laura Didio
> du Yankee Group. J'ai fait peu de recherches concernant l'etude du Gartner
> Group, car on retombe toujours sur les memes personnes et les choses sont
> toujours les memes, soit : FUD, FUD, FUD... c'est fatiguant
Pour reprendre une position plus objective, je conseille
la lecture de cet article:
Gartner on open source: fair and insightful
Quelques extraits:
« He explained the phenomenal growth of open source software over the past few years as a combination of things: reaction to proprietary licensing terms, the success of grass roots lobbying efforts, the growth of open source applications outside of the data center, and -- as a result of the Microsoft antitrust case -- the growing awareness of the power held over the industry by just a few companies. »
« Driver moved on to tackle a number of myths about open source, denouncing as completely untrue the ideas that open source means anti-commercial, or that it is inappropriate for the mainstream, or a passing fad, the idea that there is no control over its development, and finally, the myth that you can't get support for open source products. »
« To further illustrate the major differences between closed and open source, he talked about the "biology of open source." Driver said open source closely resembles natural selection, the survival of the fittest. The most critical difference, he said, is that in open source, nobody has exclusive control of the code. It's for this very reason, he added, that you are more likely to find a better fit for your needs from an open source project than you are with closed source. »
« Mark Driver's presentations on open source were both fair and insightful. »
Anne Possoz, Domaine IT-GE Espace logiciel libre à l'Ecole
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne (Switzerland)
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